10.5″ Service No. 1 Khukuri


$ 79.00

Khukuri weight: 440gm
Total weight: 640gm
Blade size: 10.5inch
Upper spine: 9mm
Handle size: 5inch
Blade material: High carbon steel
Handle material: Water buffalo horn handle
Sheath material: Wood and Refined water buffalo leather


This is a 10.5 Inch Service No. 1 Khukuri.

Manufacturing of this kukri started in Nepal since 1962AD for the British Army battalion. It was the first hand forged Khukuri provided to British Army from the territory of Nepal. Before that these khukuris were manufactured at Calcutta, India and were machine manufactured.

Dharan, a town in  the eastern region of Nepal is in close border boundary with India. So British troops has set up a big camp at Dharan with all the state of art mechanics and British used to select and recruit army men from this camp, locally called "Ghopa Camp". The camp has hospital facility for army personnel and pensioners receive pensions from this camp. Also selection, training and recruitment along with the overall army activities took place from this camp.

After the final selection of eligible army men from this Ghopa Camp they were placed at different army centres outside the country. So this khukuri was made during this period inside the Ghopa camp for almost 31 years upto 1993 AD. Later local blacksmiths residing near this camp started making this handmade Service No. 1 Khukuri and was soon expanded to other parts gaining much more popularity.

Later the British camp was shifted to Pokhara from Dharan and recruitment of Army men started taking place from new camp in Pokhara. Now this service 1 khukuri is being made by Bhim Rasaily who has been supplying these khukuris to British troops since the last 15-16 yrs.

This khukuri comes in 2 different categories. "Service 1 khukuri" is used during 9 months long Army training in the jungles while "Service 2 khukuri" is ceremonially carried by the guards during the duty hours.

Many battles have been fought with this khukuri with the holder earning victories upon their enemies and this khukuri  is the symbol of bravery, courage and integrity reflecting the glorious history of brave Gurkha soldiers.

GGK reproduced this service no 1 khukuri in traditional design with modern ergonomics. The sturdily built razor sharp blade has attested all the old art and design intact. The metal bolster and metal buttcap can withstand the heavy impact taken by the blade. The rat tail tang handle is tough enough to crack on any hard or light materials that comes fore. The rings and ridges made on the handle provide a non-slippery and very sturdy grip for the comfortable handling.

Available in traditional design black scabbard two small blades namely Karda & Chakmak are also part of this kukri. Karda is the sharp small knife which is typically used for carving, digging holes, skinning animals, eating, preparing kindling, whittling wood, etc. Similarly, we have the Chakmak that is typically used for honing the blade and striking sparks for fire.

Craftsmanship on this kukri is amazing and you will not be disappointed on getting this finest quality blade.

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